Thursday, 26 September 2013

Climate in Ireland.

The annual average temperature is 9 degrees. The temperarure in summer time reches up to about 19 degrees. The windspread varies between 4m and 6m. The sun shines mainly in the southeast of the country. The rain falls mainly in the northwest, west and southwest in the country and mainly occurs in winter rather than summer. Irish weather changes all the time. In the summer time it rains but some summers it can be very warm. The weather in ireland changes all the time. In winter it is always raining and sometimes it snows. Different parts of ireland get the same weather but at different times. For example last year england got loads of snow for about two weeks and then in went and Dublin then get it for weeks and it spread around ireland. One year Dublin it rained for 2-3 days straight and shopping centres and roads and streets and eventually flooded eg. Dundrum shopping centre. I flooded all down stairs and it was very badly damged. It was closed for a couple of days after.

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