Friday, 13 September 2013

Climate Change.

Climate change is one of the most challenging issues facin humanity. Increased levels of greenhouse gases increase the amount of energy trapped in the atmosphere wich can lead to global impacts. Climate change has a big impact on wildlife animals and habitats in popular regions. Polar bears and emperor penguins are delclining very fast in the north and south pole. They have effectivy less space and less for to go around, which effects number and animals giving birth. Climate change is having a huge impact and faster impact on the arctic. Teperature had increased by about 5 degrees celcius over the last 100 years. It also has a impact on the whole northen hemisphere. Climate change also has an impact on the antartica. The seas are warming up which is bad for the sea life. This will effect sea life like pemguins and whales. Some countries suffer from water shortage, this can have a large result of increases in the number of people due to water scarcity. It effects land this is growing crops and there is a risk of hunger. It is said that Australia has ongoing water shortages in souther and eatsterm australia and are likely to get worse. Imprtant region such as the great barrier reef are likely to loose a big part of their wildlife. Some costal communitites are likely to see an increased risk of costal storms and flooding.

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